Empires of the Indus › Bibliography
Introduction & General Bibliography
Ahmed, Feroz, Ethnicity and Politics in Pakistan, Karachi, 1999.
Ahsan, Aitzaz, The Indus Saga and the Making of Pakistan, Karachi, 1997.
Ali, Mubarak, In the Shadow of History, Lahore, 1998.
Anam, Tahmima, A Golden Age, London, 2007.
Aslam, Talat, ‘“The water agreement is really a con job” – Arif Hasan’, in The Herald, Karachi, April 1991.
Astill, James, A survey of Pakistan [Economist Special Report], London, 6 July 2006.
Bennett Jones, Owen, Pakistan: Eye of the Storm, New Haven/London, 2002.
Burney, I.H., No Illusions, Some Hopes and No Fears: The Outlook Editorials of IH Burney 1962-4; 1972-4, Karachi, 1996.
Collins, Larry & Dominique Lapierre, Mountbatten and the Partition of India: Volume 1: March 22-August 15, 1947, Delhi, 1982.
Daniel, Lynn, ed., South Asia 2004, London, 2003.
Dawn, Karachi.
Dawood, N.J., The Koran, tr., London, 2003 [1956].
Duncan, Emma, Breaking the Curfew: a political journey through Pakistan, London, 1989.
Faiz, Faiz Ahmed, Poems by Faiz, tr. V.G. Kiernan, New Delhi, 2004 [1971].
Herald, Karachi.
Jahangir, Asma & Mehro Siddiqui, From Protection to Exploitation (the laws against blasphemy in Pakistan), Lahore, [n.d. c. 2003?].
Keay, John, India: a history, London, 2000.
Lamb, Christina, Waiting for Allah: Pakistan’s struggle for democracy, London, 1991.
Lévy, Bernard-Henri, Who Killed Daniel Pearl?, Hoboken (NJ), 2003.
Mahmood, M., The Major Acts: With lots of improvements, case law rearranged under appropriate headings and sub-headings, Lahore, 2001.
Mishra, Pankaj, Temptations of the West: How to be Modern in India, Pakistan, Tibet and beyond, New York, 2006.
Naipaul, V.S., Among the Believers: an Islamic journey, London, 1981;
Beyond Belief: Islamic excursions among the converted peoples, London, 1998.
Newsline, Karachi.
Quraeshi, Samina, Legacy of the Indus: A Discovery of Pakistan, New York, 1974.
Qur’an, The Holy Qur’an, tr. M.H. Shakir, University of Virginia Electronic Text Center, 1997: http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/koran.html
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Rushdie, Salman, Shame, London, 1983.
Said, Edward, Covering Islam: How the Media and the Experts Determine How We See the Rest of the World, New York, 1997 [1981].
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Shamsie, Kamila, In the city by the sea, London, 1998; Kartography, London, 2002.
Sharwani, Iftikar, Women and Quranic Injunctions, Lahore, 2003.
Talbot, Ian, Pakistan: A Modern History, London, 1998.
The Guardian, London.
Weaver, Mary-Anne, Pakistan: In the Shadow of Jihad and Afghanistan, New York, 2002.
Ziring, Lawrence, Pakistan in the Twentieth Century: A Political History, Karachi, 1997.
Chapter One
Afzal, M. Rafique, ed., Selected Speeches and Statements of the Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah [1911-34 and 1947-48], Lahore, 1976 [1966].
Anand, Subhadra, National Integration of Sindhis, New Delhi, 1996.
Aitken, E.A., Gazetteer of the Province of Sind, Karachi, 1907.
Baillie, Alexander, Kurrachee: Past, Present and Future, Calcutta, 1890.
Bolitho, Hector, Jinnah: Creator of Pakistan, London, 1954.
Bryant, Edwin, The Quest for the Origins of Vedic Culture: The Indo-Aryan Migration Debate,
Oxford/New York, 2001.
Burton, Richard, Scinde: Or the Unhappy Valley, London, 1851;
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Cheesman, David, ‘The Omnipresent Bania: Rural Moneylenders in Nineteenth-Century Sind’, Modern Asian Studies, Cambridge, 1982 (XVI:3).
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Feldman, Herbert, Karachi through a Hundred Years: The Centenary History of the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry 1860-1960, Karachi, 1960.
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Haleem, Muhammad Abdel, Understanding the Qur’an: Themes and Style, London, 1999.
Hasan, Arif, ‘A Pedestrian’s Saddar’ in The Herald, July 1986;
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Understanding Karachi: Planning and Reform for the Future, Karachi, 1999;
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Hasan, Mushirul, ed., India Partitioned: The Other Face of Freedom, New Delhi, 1995; ‘The Partition Debate – II’ in The Hindu, Chennai, 3/01/2002.
Hughes, A.W., A Gazetteer of the Province of Sindh, London, 1874.
Hyder, S., Progress of Pakistan, Lahore, 1947.
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Jotwani, Motilal, Sufis of Sindh, Delhi, 1986.
Khan, Adeel, Politics of Identity: Ethnic Nationalism and the State in Pakistan, New Delhi/London, 2005.
Khuhro, Hamida, Sind Through the Centuries, Karachi, 1981;
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Kirpalani, S.K., Fifty Years with the British, London, 1993.
Lari, Yasmeen & Mihail S., The Dual City: Karachi During the Raj, Karachi, 1996.
Lawrence, Bruce, The Qur’an: A Biography, London, 2006.
Mansergh, Nicholas, ed., Transfer of Power: The Mountbatten Viceroyalty, London, 1982.
Manto, Sa‘adat Hasan, For Freedom’s Sake: Selected Stories and Sketches, Karachi, 2001.
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Moon, Penderel, Wavell: The Viceroy’s Journal, London, 1973; Divide and Quit: An Eyewitness Account of the Partition of India, Delhi, 1998. [1961].
Mosley, Leonard, The Last Days of the British Raj, London, 1962.
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Schimmel, Annemarie, Pearls from the Indus, Jamshoro (Pakistan), 1986.
Shaikh, Farzana, ‘Muslims and Political Representation in Colonial India: The Making of Pakistan’, in Modern Asian Studies, Cambridge, 1986 (XX: 3).
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Chapter Two
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